How'd They Do That? Embed Facebook Messenger

As it stands, there are two ways to use Facebook messenger. You can use a phone app on any of the major device platforms, or you can access it through Facebook via a desktop client. The desktop client works either as a window in the side of a Facebook window, or in its own window, as on this link. These embedded links are often sent in emails, but can also target people in direct messages or even social media messages. A recent Facebook scam involved sending an embedded link through. Solution 1: Facebook Messenger Link The Facebook Messenger button is rendered on your website using technology called JavaScript, but you can also incorporate a solution using HTML without requiring JavaScript. The advantage of using HTML is that the button will show up even if the user enables ad blockers. Messenger, the Facebook-owned messaging app, has slid into Instagram’s DMs. An update replaces direct messages on Instagram with Messenger, which will be embedded inside the app.

People can visit your page and send you a message – Facebook has made it pretty simple. However, if you really want to use the power of Facebook Messenger as a communication tool, there’s no better way than to add a Messenger link on your website! How to Create a Facebook Messenger Link. The anatomy of a Messenger link is pretty simple.

For most of 2018, Facebook was working behind the scenes to create a Facebook Messenger unsend feature which would allow you to permanently delete messages you’ve sent to others from both your side of the conversation and theirs. The unsend feature is live now in the Facebook Messenger Android mobile app.


Below, we’re going to show you how the feature works. However, before we get into that, you need to know about the limitations present within Facebook Messenger unsend. Although this new tool will be helpful for retracting messages you regret sending, it will not be nearly as powerful as you might have expected it to be.

The biggest limitation with Facebook Messenger unsend is that you only have a 10-minutes-long window to delete your messages. Once that 10 minutes is up, the message is stuck in the conversation permanently.

20 Facebook Messenger tips and tricks you may not know

Everyone and their mom is on Facebook, so it should come as no surprise Facebook Messenger is the second most popular messaging app in the world. With 1.3 billion monthly active users, the app is …

Another limitation is that you can only delete messages you have sent. This means if you send a message you regret and the person sees and responds to it, you can only delete the original message you pushed. In other words, the person’s response — which could make it clear what your original message said — will stick around forever, unless they decide to delete it as well within their own 10-minute window.

Finally, although you’ve deleted the message, Facebook still holds onto it for an unannounced length of time. This policy is to prevent bullies from sending nasty messages, deleting them, and then there being no proof the message was ever sent. Facebook did not disclose how long messages will be stored on the server but did say they will eventually be deleted.

How to use Facebook Messenger unsend

With all that in mind, here’s how the process works in the Android app. Check out the screenshots below for more help!

  • First, tap and hold on the message you want to delete to bring up the various options you have for that message.
  • Tap the “remove” option to bring up the secondary menu of remove features.
  • You’re given two options, which are each pretty self-explanatory: Remove for You and Remove for Everyone.
  • Tap the one you like, confirm, and the message vanishes from both sides of the conversation.

When you remove the message, a “tombstone” will be left where the message appeared in the thread. This can’t be removed and each party will see it (consult the screenshots above to see the “tombstone”).

What do you think? Do you see yourself using this feature or is it too limited right now for practical purposes? Let us know what you think in the comments!

NEXT: How to unblock someone on Facebook

Whether you love it or hate it, there’s something to be said for Facebook’s popularity. Everyone has Facebook Messenger on their phones. Users spend hours of their days poring over dog pictures, cat videos, the occasional family update, and all the dank memes.

Hell, there’s even a wildly-popular page for Garlic Bread:

Despite the silliness, Facebook is also a great tool for your business. You can connect with like-minded individuals in groups, and promote your business through your page.

One of the more underrated tools for businesses is Facebook Messenger. While everyone knows how to use it to keep up with friends, many businesses don’t know you can use it to keep up with your audience. It provides you with a place to talk one-on-one with both existing and potential customers, giving your business a human touch. People like the idea of being able to chat with you on a platform they’re already familiar with.

People can visit your page and send you a message – Facebook has made it pretty simple. However, if you really want to use the power of Facebook Messenger as a communication tool, there’s no better way than to add a Messenger link on your website!

How to Create a Facebook Messenger Link

How'd They Do That Embed Facebook Messenger Conversations

The anatomy of a Messenger link is pretty simple. You simply append your business’s username to the URL


Not sure where your username is? It’s the little @ under your Page name.

So, in my case, my Messenger URL would be (Try it out – it works!)

To create a Messenger link, you simply need to link to your Messenger URL.

If you’re using the link in a WordPress post or page, you can simply highlight the selected copy and click the link button to create your link.

If you’re not using WordPress, or want to create your link elsewhere, you just need to drop in this code:

How'd They Do That Embed Facebook Messenger App

Viola! Just be sure to replace USERNAME with your Page’s username.

Messenger Links Everywhere

How To Embed Facebook Messenger In Your Website

There are so many opportunities to use Facebook Messenger to connect. In addition to putting it on your website, you could drop the link in your email signature, on your social media profiles, or really anywhere you want people to connect with you. Using Facebook Messenger makes it easy for your customers to connect, so you can focus on your hustle.

How'd They Do That Embed Facebook Messenger Web

Not feeling the DIY approach? I can set up your Messenger links for you – let’s chat.