Membership Is Here!

  1. Membership Is Required
  2. Membership Share Savings

Becoming a USTA Member not only enters you to play into sanctioned USTA events, you’ll also have the opportunity to qualify for a national rating and ranking and even compete for a national championship. There are so many ways to play for members of all ages and abilities. Being part of Here. Requires participation. Sure, there’s a newsletter, but we hope that’s just the beginning. We want our members exploring the best of Richmond. (PS, membership is totally free. All you have to do is subscribe.).

Nine Howard University students were led by Ethel Hedgeman (Lyle) into forming a sisterhood in 1908. Five years later, Nellie Quander and her gallant and visionary associates contributed the added dimension of an international organization and perpetual membership.

  1. ASA membership connects you to a community of statisticians serving in industry, government, and academia throughout the world. Our members work to advance research, promote sound statistical practice, inform public policy, and improve human welfare.
  2. Membership is Here! Membership is officially here, giving you everything you need to create a robust membership experience for your website, online store or blog.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is proud of her 1,026 chapters and nearly 300,000 members in more than 55 nations and all 50 states. Membership is by invitation only.

Membership is required

If you are matriculating as a full-time student attending an accredited four-year college or university, membership is obtained through an undergraduate chapter. Look for authorized and printed rush flyers to post on your college campus or visit your campus’ Office of Greek Life. Please read the Risk Management policies for your school and Alpha Kappa Alpha.

Membership Is Required

If you have a bachelor or advanced degree(s) from an accredited four-year college or university, membership is obtained through a graduate chapter. An active graduate chapter will extend an authorized and written membership letter of invitation upon approval of the official Membership Intake Process to prospective members. Please read the Anti-Hazing policies for Alpha Kappa Alpha.

Membership Share Savings
